F.LF v0.9.0
http://www.projectf.hk/F.LF/- 跨平台 HTML5
- Windows (Chrome, Firefox, IE11)
- Linux (Chrome, Firefox)
- Mac (未經測試, 應該ok)
- Android 4.0+, Chrome, Galaxy S3同等級配備
- iOS 7+, Chrome, iPhone 5s同等級配備
- 角色暫時支援 Bandit, Deep, John, Dennis, Woody, Davis
- 支援所有1.9場景(Lee On Road除外), 16:9寬景模式
- 只有VS mode
- WebSocket及WebRTC連線, 最多支援2打2
- WebRTC暫不支援IE, iOS
- WebSocket server請自己host
- 可以手機跟電腦連線哦
- 可自行編寫及選擇AI
- data檔方面, 是可以由原生dat的轉換成json, 而且格式是很相似的, 所以改檔的技巧大致不變, 但以前的奇怪bug是不可用的了
- Cross platform HTML5
- Windows (Chrome, Firefox, IE11)
- Linux (Chrome, Firefox)
- Mac (untested, but should work)
- Android 4.0+, Chrome, Galaxy S3 or equivalent hardware
- iOS 7+, Chrome, iPhone 5s or equivalent hardware
- Supported characters Bandit, Deep, John, Dennis, Woody, Davis
- Supports all 1.9 backgrounds (except Lee On Road), and wide screen mode
- VS mode only
- PvP networking via WebSocket and WebRTC
- WebRTC is not available on IE and iOS
- You can host your own WebSocket server
- Can even connect between PC and mobile!
- Scriptable and selectable AI
- data files are converted from original dat to json in a similar format. so data changing concepts remain
1. 延續LF2的精神
2. 提供一個基礎以衍生出更多作品
3. 推廣格鬥遊戲及開源運動
Project F has three ultimate goals:
1. Continuation of LF2
2. A codebase for more creativity
3. Promote the fighter game genre and open source movement
Github https://github.com/
Documentation http://www.
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