
Glossary script

A note from the developer

To whom may concern,

I am the principal developer of Project F. I started this project at 2011, ambitiously attempting to reimplement LF2. At this point, 2016, I think that the original objectives can be said fulfilled. So I am retiring from this project, and anyone who is interested in moving forward, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Surely, there are still quite some features of original LF2 missing. But I believe that they can be implemented without big changes to the architecture. On the other side, there are many aspects in that F.LF supersedes LF2 by re-engineering in today's context. For example, F.LF can adapt to different device form factors and you notice that there is barely any "loading" time. Architecturally, the separation between game engine, LF2 game logic, application and production server is clear. Arguably, the specification is also well specified.

The vast engineering effort is a collective exercise, including all the discussions, experiments and knowledge accumulated around LF2 since the 2000s. So lets give a big hand to the original authors of LF2 and the community!! LF2 definitely took off much higher than the original author had expected. Surely it should.

This should continue too. At least not to be forgotten. You shall still find LF2 interesting, from an artistic, cultural or engineering perspective. By the way, it is also authentically Hong Kong.

The Project F developers


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