
Glossary script

香港開放源碼年會 2013 / Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2013

開源遊戲: 前瞻 by Chris Tsang
時段: 4:15pm-4:45pm
房間: M4001

日期: 2013 年 10 月 19 日 (星期六)
時間: 上午 9 時至下午 6 時
地點: 香港城市大學邵逸夫創意媒體中心
報名: http://hkosc2013.eventbrite.com
大會網站: http://opensource.hk/2013
議程: http://bit.ly/hkosc2013-agenda
主辦: 香港 Linux 用家協會、開放系統研用協會、Open Source Hong Kong
場地提供: 香港城市大學電腦學系


開源遊戲: 前瞻

遊戲開發有甚麼困難? 有限的金錢,人力及時間是遊戲開發的最大限制. 而經典遊戲往往在產品生命周期完結之後無法延續.
甚麼是開源遊戲? 開源遊戲是社群主導, 每個人都有權去參與的遊戲開發過程.
誰人可以參與? 插畫家,設計師,編程人員及任何玩家

為何要開源? 開源可以增強合作, 發展出不同的產品, 擴展至不同平台, 為遊戲注入新元素, 延續遊戲的生命.
開源遊戲要有甚麼技術結構? 要區分開設計,內容及機制

單一遊戲會有這麼大的力量嗎? 例子分析: LF2曾經吸引了世界各地的玩家, 發展出大量的玩家改版及衍生創作. 例子: Minecraft發展出大量的改版及私服. 例子: 高登巴打合力開發"高登之塔"諷刺"神抄之塔".

有甚麼工作在進行中? F計劃的理念是刺激香港非商業主導的創意產業, 主張民主的遊戲開發, 認為每個人都應有權利及知識去加入遊戲軟件的開發過程. F計劃主力網頁遊戲開發, 包括一個開源的程式集, 技術性文章, 以及一個開發中的遊戲LF2和兩個已完成的小遊戲.

We are going to share on the topic "open source games" on Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2013.
Open Source Games: a Preliminary View
session: 4:15pm-4:45pm
room: M4001

The First Hong Kong Open Source Conference
Date: 19 October 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 9am to 6pm
Venue: Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong.
Registration / RSVP: http://hkosc2013.eventbrite.com
Web Site: http://opensource.hk/2013
Agenda: http://bit.ly/hkosc2013-agenda
Organizers: Hong Kong Linux User Group, Opensource Application Knowledge Association, Open Source Hong Kong
Venue Provider: Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong.

Be aware that, however, our sharing and some others will be in Cantonese and Chinese.


Open Source Games: a Preliminary View

What is the difficulty in game development? The constraints of money, labour and time. Sometimes even very successful titles cannot continue its legend.

What is (in our opinion) open source games? Game development as an open process. More than games with source code available, open source games should have good hackability and a community-engaged development process.
Who can engage in? illustrators, designers, programmers and all players.

Why open source? facilitate collaboration; can fork to different products and port to different platforms.
What is the architectural requirement? separation of design, content and logic

Can a single project really gain/worth so much attention?
example: Little Fighter 2 had received significant popularity, many modifications had been made, plus a vast amount of related work, including comics, animations and novels.
example: Minecraft being the most successful indie game, has lots of fans and a great community that created skins, modifications and private servers with very creative gameplay.

What is the work going on in Hong Kong? The belief of Project F is that computer game development should be a community oriented and democratic process, that every one should have the right and knowledge to involve in such a process. Project F is attempting an open source implementation of LF2. Released work includes also programming libraries, related tools and technical documents.


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